I've been wearing my sandals (the heel is a couple inches
high, rubber soles) to the office for about three weeks. I had to wear them
because a month ago I fell while helping someone move furniture onto a flat
trailer. We had placed something on the
trailer and I was coming down the slatted ramp. My foot slipped through the slats and every limb went in a
different direction with me falling flat on my back. I haven't a clue how I didn't break something but am
thankful. The result of my fall was
initial swelling leading to a huge bump on my left shin. Also my left foot
turned a spectacular color purple. But only along the inner sole and three of
my toes. I chose to wear sandals when
we were called back to the office because slippers were not an option.
Last week, my coworker noticed last week that they're
women's sandals. I told her that they were the only footwear I could wear and
are incredibly comfortable. There was
no way I could wear my male sandals or shoes. She's the one who said that I should just wear women's clothing when I dress for Halloween.
I didn’t go to the doctor at the time I fell. Everything worked and
really there was no pain. Tenderness,
yes. Pain, no. After a month, I still
have a sizable knot and what looks like a burn on my shin but all the bruising
seems to be gone from my foot but there is still swelling. I didn’t go initially because I’d discussed
it with my wife. She agreed that if it
seemed like nothing was broken, they probably wouldn’t do anything but since I
still have swelling, we made an appointment for tomorrow.
One more thing. Where ever you live, please register to vote. I fully support the #BlackLivesMatter movement. It isn't that other lives are not important. It isn't that other groups are not important. It is that blacks are dying at the hands of police after a minor interaction. I support candidates who don't promote racism. I support candidates who don't hide from people who are different. I support candidates who don't behave as a racist. This is 2020. There is no excuse for hatred in our modern world. As a person who identifies as a trans-female, I stand with my brothers and sisters. While I may not be able to live 24/7 as Heather, I am confident that there are people in government who are actively working to make the lives of people like me harder.
I ask you to Vote Blue, No Matter Who.
Thank you
ps, Don't spam!