Sunday, March 23, 2025

3/23/25 one week away from TDOV. Stand up to tyranny!


We're a week away from Transgender Day Of Visibility. I've heard of places promoting TDOV on Saturday, March 29, 2025. 

I'm working next Monday. I'll be visible to the public and am hoping to wear a favorite dress. After work, I'm hoping we'll get dinner out with my kids. It'll be worth the ridiculous drive.

If you're in a place where it's safe to do, go out and be visible. I have steeled my resolve to not let the haters win! I've continued going about my business wearing what I choose. Friday morning I had the pleasure of getting a cardiac stress test. This happened at the same office that previously had welcomed me as an old friend on my second visit. I wore the same clothes I've worn to work numerous times, sports bra, panties, black under shirt, jeans and lovely blouse. The people were terrific. I've never told them to call me anything other than my birth name but present fully as Heather at every visit. On Friday's visit, I did something that's totally out of my normal: I engaged people... including total strangers. Part of the stress test included injecting a radioactive element into my bloodstream so they can track heart function before and after exercise. After the injection, my spouse texted me that she had to stay outside since I was "radioactive." Of course it led me to find the rock song from the '80's "Radioactive" by The Firm. I played it on my phone while waiting... A member of the staff walks by the waiting room and says to the technician who'd injected me, "I feel heat" and I quipped that it was me since "I'm radioactive." She laughed. We started talking about the song and I showed her that I was just watching the video... She loves that song...  Another patient comes into the waiting room... The staff lady had a strong NYC accent and I told her that we're from the same region. Me Mass and her Long Island and find out the new arrival to the waiting room was from Indiana. We chatted about liking the desert over cold weather... It felt good.

Yesterday, my spouse and I were going through our rarely worn clothes pile and I found a bunch of garments I'd forgotten about. One was a lavender "body-con" dress with high/low hem. I'm wearing it right now! Someone, who is married to me, is uncomfortable with how short the front is but I love it. The low hem at the back is almost too long in my opinion, almost maxi-dress length. I feel as though I'm either dragging it or will step on it even with my 2.5" heels on. But it looks terrific on me.

With the rarely worn clothing, we're going to sort the stuff out for selling online, selling locally, donation and tossing out. I have a pretty good collection of clothes that I'd bought prior to "coming out" and thought I'd never have a chance to wear outside the house. Time passes and we forget that those things exist... It makes me wonder what else I've bought and forgot!

I'm a transgender person. I have told many people that I cannot put this part of me back into a box. I will stand beside my transgender sisters and brother and any/all nonbinary people or those on the LGBTQIA spectrum against the current government leaders trying to erase all mention of us. I don't care what they do because I'm here and they can pound sand! Enough people support our cause.

Have a good week.

  • Be safe out there but BE OUT THERE!
  • We are valid.
  • We are a part of society. 
  • We MATTER. 

Thanks for visiting


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