Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Exist. Do it. You are the only person that gets to decide your life.


I haven't been around much. I'm still existing. Heather goes to work every day. 

It's important to acknowledge our existence. You matter. I matter. You're worthy.

Things have been mostly okay. I'm alive. 

I have never shared this publicly:

I had a medical procedure in February. It wasn't great. I guess I flatlined on the table. One third of the procedure was completed before they revived me without incident by removing the anesthetic and giving me staight oxygen. 

Jeez, I can't even think straight and they gave me straight oxygen... 

I have no negative effect from the surgery and am hoping to get the rest of the work done. I have sinus inflammation and a deviated septum. The partial surgery has improved my breathing.

As a result of the incident, my ENT has referred me to another cardiologist. (I had been to a different one a year ago but he was not helpful. It took many months to get the results of my testing.) I've been going to the ENT as Heather and this new cardiologist has only seen Heather. 

The best thing about this doctor's staff is that on my second visit, I was greeted as an old friend.

Whether you are out or not, you need to remember to live. 

One weak man's negative opinion doesn't mean anything to me. He can try to cancel us but he'll fail.

Thanks for reading this.

I'm okay. I genuinely hope you're okay too.


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