Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas to my friends

On this Christmas day, I hope you find peace, joy and happiness. Remember that the spirit inside you is much more important than any material gifts.

I'm hoping to be able to have a full day as Heather with two more over the weekend. The past weekend was nice even though we didn't "do" anything. I had no outside obligations and did my nails in a festive, alternative red and green pattern, wore my new tights, a knit top and cute skirt. I was beyond comfortable.

Monday mornings always make me wonder why I've not just come out to the world.  I feel a sense that I'm letting myself down by not being true to me all the time.  I've expressed this before.  My employer is progressive and bars discrimination against any gender expression. I just need to be me. 

Skipping back two paragraphs, I liked my nails so much... I got up, fed the cat, changed out of my nightgown and into a top and leggings to get the morning newspaper and then painted my nails in the same alternating red and green pattern!  I almost kept my nails painted Monday morning. Coulda, woulda, shoulda...  It's going to be a crossdressed Christmas in my house. 

I love to wear my leggings! I think I have four pair. Three black and one grey, two from Costco that are almost like tights/nylons. Super form fitting and relatively thin. The other two are more like knit pants. I love how they feel and think they really make my legs look terrific.   Just more ramblings.... Blabbering about nails and leggings? Yep! I have 45 years of Heather that didn't get to express herself and sometimes she's just easily distracted by shiny things.

Back to the original thought,
Merry Christmas.

Love to all, peace to everyone and thank you for visiting my blog.


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