Sunday, October 16, 2016

Our "Personal Holiday" or is it just Halloween?

We all know that Halloween is revered as a day we can do anything and go anywhere dressed as we like.  Can I have the strength to go to work en-femme?   My dream is that at the end of the work day, I will proclaim "this is the greatest thing I've ever done, so comfortable" and tell them that I'll be wearing a skirt to work every day.

I think I need to roll with anything that may come from going to the office in a blouse, skirt, hose and heels.  I don't think there will be bad comments from my co-workers but I am the only male and as far as I know the only one with gender issues. The women are all married or divorced and I don't think any are lesbian.  There are some that are "ultra-conservative" or religious but I am hoping that they'll be cool.  Fortunately, all of the bosses are pretty cool and seem to be open minded.

One of the odd things that happens when people talk to me in the office is that people often reply "yes, Ma'am" to me.  This happens both with co-workers and clients, it is almost as if they already know!  I've never alluded to my being transgender beneath my work slacks and button-down collars but I get a sense of satisfaction out of it.

My office is closed Friday the twenty-eighth and always I'm off on the weekend.  I plan to take advantage of the entire weekend to dress, do errands and generally do anything en-femme.  I've already shared this with my spouse and she's fine with it.  The edict was issued that if we are going to dress in the office, the outfit cannot be offensive to our co-workers or clients.  I don't think it'll be offensive to anyone but some may be taken aback by the sight of me, the first person our clients meet.  Do I buy make-up for this adventure?  The only thing I have is some nail varnish in various colors.  It'll be a good excuse to get a foundation, mascara and lipstick.  Or do I go for the natural look by skipping the make-up and breast forms. 
Why do I need to worry about this.... GIRL PROBLEMS!

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